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Hannah Stephenson is a poet, editor, and instructor. She is the author of In the Kettle, the Shriek (Gold Wake Press), editor of New Poetry From the Midwest (New American Press) and The Ides of March: An Anthology of Ohio Poets (Columbus Creative Cooperative), and a poetry and arts blogger for The Huffington Post. Hannah's writing has appeared in publications that include The Atlantic, 32 Poems, Sixth Finch, and Poetry Daily. Find her online at

Hannah Stephenson
David Winter

David Winter wrote the poetry chapbook Safe House (Thrush Press, 2013). His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in literary magazines such as Atlanta Review, Four Way Review, Forklift, Ohio, Harpur Palate, Meridian, Muzzle, and Ninth Letter. He is currently a senior lecturer in the Department of English at the Ohio State University, where he also earned his MFA in Creative Writing.

Joy Sullivan

Joy Sullivan is a poet and educator living in Franklinton, Ohio. Currently, she teaches Creative Writing at Columbus State Community College, Columbus Academy and Thurber House. Joy earned an MA in Poetry from Miami University and her academic work reflects an interest in social justice, community development, and creative education. Her most recent publications include Periodisa Publishing, Boxcar Poetry, and Mirror Dance. Additionally, she currently serves as the Artist-in-Residence for the Wexner Center's Pages Program. 

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